Oh my Goodness.

I thought I would be devastated the day I would have to say bye to my car, but it has been so good!   This weekend, I made my first big big big purchase.  I bought a 2009 Honda Fit.   Everything about this experience has everything to do with God.

  1. My old car breaking down in the midst of a bad economy = Desperate Dealerships = Good deals & financing rates!
  2. Tim’s flexible work schedule that allowed him to pick me/drive me to work for a couple days.
  3. Roommates that so generous in offering their time and cars so that I would not be lame.
  4. My school is walking distance to a train station that is a direct line to Downtown Mountain View.
  5. Shannon and my family came to visit last weekend and lifted my spirits.
  6. I had plenty of time to do some last minute research/number crunching because of finals last week.
  7. Going to the Honda Dealership with Hsin.  His expertise singlehandedly resulted in a very happy Candy, and a not so happy general sales manager who had to let car go without making a killing.  I was in and out in 2.5 hours.
  8. My parents helping me with the downpayment of the car!
  9. Stable job to make payments.
  10. Unfreakingbeliveably awesome new car smell that makes me want to take deep breaths everytime I drive.

I was praying on Saturday that God would help me  love Him better through this car (sounds strange I know).   So if you need a ride anywhere or need to move things,  seriously let me know.   I would be so happy to be able to help!

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